Post by Shirley Ouellette on Sept 22, 2006 10:07:09 GMT -5
Did anybody hear how the Anyos/Schouton fight ended up
Post by Ryan Wissow on Sept 22, 2006 11:16:56 GMT -5
Anyos TKO6 Schouten
Post by len on Sept 22, 2006 22:26:19 GMT -5
Yeah, the referee stopped it at 1:37 of the sixth.
Post by jr on Sept 24, 2006 21:39:48 GMT -5
And when will Anyos grant a rematch to Marcela Acuna who was robbed of a victory by "hometown scoring" in their contest last October? Acuna is now a title holder as well, lending more credibility to a second bout.
Post by Dee Williams on Sept 25, 2006 0:50:31 GMT -5
And when will Anyos grant a rematch to Marcela Acuna who was robbed of a victory by "hometown scoring" in their contest last October? Acuna is probably more interested in staying home to fight Oliveras, who is stealing some of her thunder in Argentina following her KO win over Jackie Nava. Acuna was the big name in Argentina and Oliveras threatens that, which is a good reason for a fight there! Anyos is finally able to do what fighters must to build a reputation and gain support at home. She once went clear around the world to fight Jane Couch, she moved to California for a while to get ring experience there, she went to Japan to fight Raika at home twice, and she had to battle macho male prejudice in Oz against women's boxing for many years. Whatever you think about the details of the Acuna fight, Anyos paid her dues when she was younger to get to where she is now ... where she can pull in a crowd at home in Oz and also get people to go there to fight her. Nobody handed her that on a plate, she fought hard for it.